Estanys d'Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici: La biodiversitat oculta
The waters of lakes in the National Park host a fragile and sensitive authoctonous flora and fauna that is a subject of research because it provides keys to manage the consequences of Climate Change. A report on the LTER studies carried out in the Aigüestortes and Estany the Sant Maurici National Park by CEAB and LOOP's researchers. Read the new on the newspaper.
España, Francia y Andorra luchan contra el cambio climático en los Pirineos
Four projects of the Pyrenean Observatory of Climate Change (OPCC) have been awarded with european funds. Thanks to this funding the OPCC will carry out during the next three years an action plan for the adaptation to Climate Change. This consolidates the Observatory as the most relevant transboundary cooperation initiative between Spain, France and Andorre on this matter. Read the new on the newspaper.
El Observatorio Pirenaico desarrollará durante los próximos tres años un plan de adaptación al cambio climático
The OPSS2 project and its four associated projects funded by the POCTEFA 2014-2020 programme. The Pyrenean Observatory aims to monitor the Climate Change in the Pyrenees to help the territory to adapt to its effects. Is the transboundary cooperation initiative more relevant in which the basque Country participates within the Working Community of the Pyrenees. Read the new on the web site.
L'Observatori Pirinenc del Canvi Climàtic rep més de tres milions d'euros del fons FEDER per a projectes
The European Commission co-funds a 65% of the works for adaptation to climate change of the Pyrenean Observatory (OPCC2), and its four associated projects. The catalan government (Generalitat) and other eight catalan partners will benefit from the grants to advance knowledge on climate, forests and flora. Read the new on the OCCC web site.
Injecció de diners de la UE per al canvi climatic al Pirineu
The European Commission has aproved funds for the action plan of the Pyrenean Observatory of Climate Change on environmental adaptation. The Working Community of the Pyrenees is the main partner of the project. Read the new on the newspaper.
L'Observatori Pirinenc del Canvi Climàtic rep més de 3 MEUR del fons FEDER per a projectes
The European Commission has aproved more than 3 MEur funding for the action plan of the Pyrenean Observatory of Climate Change on adaptation to Climate Change. This consolidates this transboundary cooperative iniciative between Spain, France and Andorre as the most relevant one on this issue. Read the new on the newspaper.
Europa respalda al Observatorio Pirenaico del Cambio Climático
The project of the Pyrenean Observatory of Climate Change, promoted by the Working Community of the Pyrenees (CTP), will receive 763K Eur from the European POCTEFA funds. Its four associated projects will receive another 2.3M Eur. Read the new on the e-newspaper.
Vielha i el CSIC impulsen l'observatori de llacs del Pirineu
The Municipality of Vielha-Mig Aran and the CSIC will collaborate to promote the investigations carried out by the LOOP at the Center for High Mountain Research located. The Center is located in Aran and next year its 30th aniversary will be celebrated. The municipality is involved in an international project to spread the concern about the sustainable use of water among citizens.
Entrevista a Jordi Catalan, distingit amb el Premi Medi Ambient de l'Institut d'Estudis Catalans
How does climate change affects high mountain lakes? What is ecology? What influence do humans exert on our environment? "El Cafè de la República" talks about it with Jordi Catalan, Ph. D. in Biology for the University of Barcelona and researcher of the Centre de Recerca Ecològica i Aplicacions Forestals (CREAF) and the LOOP, recently awarded with the Premi de Medi Ambient (Environment Award) of the Institut d'Estudis Catalans.
Entrevista a Berta Fueyo i Lluís Camarero sobre el laboratori del LOOP
Interview with Berta Fueyo and Lluís Camarero. Berta and Lluís explain how is the work done at the LOOP's lab.
El cambio climático y la alteración de los lagos
A study by LOOP researchers shows that human activities and the global change have direct consequences on high mountain lakes. The work has detected an increase in the atmospheric phosphorus that is deposited on the lakes, and the results prove changes in their chemical composition. Since the 80's, the human impact has produced also an increase in the atmospheric deposition of nitrogen.
La deposició atmosfèrica afecta el funcionament ecològic dels estanys pirinencs
Alfred Rodríguez Picó interviews Lluís Camarero in his TV show on BTV. Lluís talks on the recent results published in Nature Communications. Atmospheric fluxes of N and P affect the ecological functioning of high mountain lakes in the Pyrenees in an unsuspected way. Follow the link to see the interview, at minutes 18:35-25:20.
L'escassedat de neu afecta les reserves d'aigua
Snow is arriving very late this season at the Pyrenees. By the end of January the amount of snow in the mountains is well below the average, and the water supply to lowlands during the spring thaw is at risk. TV reporters climbed to lake Redon together with LOOP's researchers during one of the regular field trips to monitor the ice cover of the lake. Still only a thin layer of clear ice covers the lake, when a thicker snow and ice cover could be expected.
Entrevista a Lluís Camarero sobre el canvi climàtic i la seva influència sobre l'Estanh Redon
Interview with Lluís Camarero on the climate change and its influence on lake Redon. Listen to the interview at minutes 24' 40" - 34' 30"
Los Pirineos no se escapan a la polución
An indicator of pollution: the researcher Montse Bacardit has discovered that the almost inaccesible mountain lakes of the Central Pyrenees and their catchments are polluted by a suite of metals potentially toxic to the ecosystem. Montse Bacardit is graduated in Biology by the University of Barcelona. In her Ph.D. Thesis she has studied the pollution in high mountain catchments.
Ribagorça Romànica becará estudiantes para analizar 550 lagos
The Association Ribagorça Romànica will award 6 undergraduated and graduated students in biology and environmental sciences with grants to participate in the NITROPIR project. The students will collaborate in the synoptic survey that the LOOP will carry out in 500 Pyrenean lakes in order to analyse the changes produced in the water chemistry by the human N emissions
Los expertos detectan residuos de contaminación urbana en diversos lagos aislados de los Pirineos
El CSIC detecta contaminación urbana en lagos del Pirineo
Several newspapers reported the last findings of LOOP regarding the long-range trace metal contamination detected in the Pyrenees: "The experts detect traces of urban contamination in several isolated lakes in the Pyrenees" (El Mundo); "The CSIC detects urban contamination in Pyrenean lakes" (El País, Segre)
Els estanys de muntanya, un indicador de la contaminació de l'home
In her Ph.D. Thesis presented at the University of Girona, the LOOP's researcher Montserrat Bacardit shows how remote mountain areas are afected by toxics originated by human activities
Entrevista a Lluís Camarero sobre les activitats del LOOP
Interview with Lluís Camarero. Lluís explains the most recent activities of LOOP: new projects, studies and significance of the atmospheric deposition of reactive nitrogen onto the ecosystems, and launching of the Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) node in the Aigüestortes National Park in consortium with researchers from CSIC, UB, UAB, IC3 and CREAF.
Anem amb en Salvador Sala a comprovar la puresa de les aigües dels llacs i rius d'alta muntanya
TV3 reporter Salvador Sala accompanied a LOOP's team right to the middle of lake Redon, where the scientists run tests to assess the pollution levels. Levels that one would not a priori suspect in these apparently pristine paradises. Follow the link to watch the report at minutes 0:56-1:30 (intro) and 5:10-12:30 (main footage).
Un lago de Aran, en un estudio del padre del genoma humano. Millones de bacterias viajan a California
The Sorcerer II made a stop in Barcelona's harbour in its cruise aroud the world collecting DNA to sequence the genome of the oceans. During the pause, some researchers from the Craig Venter Institute made a tour on land to collect also samples from freshwater ecosystems in collaboration with local scientists. Among other places they visited Lake Redon.
Trobades restes radioactives i de metalls als llacs del Pirineu
A report on the levels of pollutants in lakes and rivers of Catalunya elaborated by scientists of the CSIC, the University of Barcelona (UB) and the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) for the Department of Environment of the Generalitat de Catalunya revealed that the sediments of lakes in the Pyrenees contain metals and radionuclides of human origin. Majors of several towns in the area have expressed concern and urged a meeting with the Head of the Department of Environment.
Era UB premanís un projècte tà estudiar 5 estanhs deth Pirenèu.
Conselh Generau e UB coopèren entà contarotlar es aigües d'Aran
The EMERGE project, in which LOOP participated, ended. EMERGE was funded by the European Commission, and among other objectives, it aimed to investigate the impact of airborne pollutants on alpine lakes. Sediments from over 390 lakes in all european ranges showed the extent of pollution by metals and organic chemicals in high mountains. An agreement between the Conselh Generau d'Aran and the University of Barcelona has been signed to monitor the impacts of the works of the new tunnel of Vielha on the Nere and Conangles streams.